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Toshiba 東芝 AW-DUH1200GH(DS) 直驅變頻摩打洗衣機 (11.0公斤 低水位)

$3,880.00 (您總共節省了$1,100.00
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按以下按鈕新增 Toshiba 東芝 AW-DUH1200GH(DS) 直驅變頻摩打洗衣機 (11.0公斤 低水位) 到喜愛產品列表


Official Website 官方網站

● 洗衣容量:11.0公斤 
● 乾衣容量:6.0公斤 
● 乾衣速度:每分鐘770轉 
● UFB超細泡沫:納米超細泡沫把洗衣劑附於其表面上,並深入穿過衣服空隙,有效去除衣物上的污垢,令洗衣效果更勝一籌 
● 直驅變頻摩打:寧靜,節省能源及精準操作 
● 「星鑽環迴」洗衣槽:特大不銹鋼洗衣槽營造手洗揉搓效果,而且令衣服不會破損 
● 立體旋風潔淨轉葉:1170的小孔分佈在6片立體旋轉轉葉,每分鐘50公升水流過每一個小洞,攪拌更流暢,有效去除衣物的頑固污漬。 
● 雙重水流潔淨裝置:裝置使水流更強,令洗衣劑充分滲透衣物,加強潔淨功效。 
● 9種洗衣程序:普通 / 浸泡 / 強力洗衣 / 記憶設定 / 柔洗 / 毛毯 / 柔順芳香 / 快洗 /清潔水槽 
● 水流設定 (3種強弱程度選擇) 
● 雙重盒型棉絮過濾網 
● 清潔水槽:有效去除水槽的的污物,防止異味或排水問題 
● 水槽乾爽:透過去除脫水槽的濕氣,避免發霉 
● 自動關機裝置:在洗衣模式完成後的15秒自動關機,節省電力 
● 自動切斷電源裝置 
● 自動復原裝置 
● 精算水位 (19升-72升) 
● 兒童安全裝置及上蓋安全鎖 
● 預校時間掣 (1-24小時) 
● 中、英文控制面板顯示

● 外型尺寸 (闊x深x高) (毫米):630x 675 x 1030
● 機身尺寸 (闊x深x高) (毫米):605 x 625 x 1030
● 產地:泰國


● Washing Capacity: 11.0kg 
● Drying Capacity: 6.0kg 
● Spin Speed: 770rpm 
● Ultra Fine Bubble (UFB): An invisibly nano-sized air bubble gathers detergents on its surface and deeply penetrate through fiber gap which effectively remove the stains from the fibers, results in superior cleaning. 
● DD Inverter: Quiet, Energy Saving & Precise Control. 
● Star Crystal Drum -Huge stainless steel drum creates washboard kneading wash effect without damaging the clothes. 
● Powerful Pulsator: 1170 holes scattered on Six 3D blades allows 50L/min of water get through the holes which stir & remove stubborn stain on the fibers effectively. 
● Hydro Twin Power: Stronger water calculation is generated by the devices to deeper detergent penetration into clothes, hence increase the cleanness. 
● 9 Wash Courses: Regular, Soak, Heavy Wash, Memory, Delicate, Blanket, Fragrance, Speed, Tub Clean 
● Dual Cassette Lint Filters 
● Water Flow Power (Gentle/Middle/Strong) 
● Tub Clean: Prevent smell or the problem of water draining by removing the dirt of the starch from the tub 
● Tub Dry: Using air in-taking to remove the moisture of the tub to prevent mildew 
● Auto Power off : the washer will automatically turn off after 15 seconds of the washing process finished to achieve the energy-saving 
● Zero Standby Electricity 
● Resume Function 
● Linear Water Level (19L-72L) 
● Child Proof Mode & Lid Lock 
● Preset Timer (1-24hours) 
● Chinese & English Control Panel Display
● Dimensions (WxDxH)mm:630x 675 x 1030
● Body Dimensions (WxDxH)mm:605 x 625 x 1030 
● Country of Origin:Thailand



